Changing Secretariat provider is a big undertaking, which is why planning is critical to ensuring the handover process goes as smoothly as possible.
The key reasons membership organisations decide to change provider are:
- Poor service levels for members
- To expand the services offered
- Access expertise the current provider lacks
- Improve responsiveness
- Get better value for money
But whatever the reason the development of a detailed handover plan and knowledge building is an absolute must. And, as ever, there is devil in the detail.
In our ultimate guide to identifying and appointing an association management company, we estimate that it takes approximately three months to appoint a Secretariat or association management company. This process includes establishing a selection committee, defining request for proposals, identifying a shortlist, interviews, selection and contract agreement.
It can also take just as long to complete a successful handover (although we have done this on much shorter timescales). This process should involve the incumbent, the newly appointed provider and the board or selection committee. The more knowledge that can be transferred during this process the better.
Month 1
The newly appointed Secretariat should use the first month as an opportunity to undertake research and gain industry knowledge. It’s useful to attend the organisation’s events and meetings to boost familiarity and insight.
The board or incumbent should advise members there will be a new Secretariat. Make sure you include the handover date, and the contact and address details of the new team.
One of the critical early tasks is, assuming the new provider will handle payments, changing the bank mandate. In our experience this can often take longer than expected.
If the incumbent has a policies and procedures manual, or a written guide on how particular tasks are carried out, then this should be sent to the new provider. If not we suggest you ask your current provider to prepare one.
Month 2
Begin the handover sessions. These are designed to help your new Secretariat with tasks and activities. These can be delivered remotely and typical sessions cover:
It’s always useful to have a demonstration of any software or systems that will need to be used. Remember to create a visual recording of these demonstrations to avoid the need for any post-handover questions.
Month 3
By this point the new provider should have a good understanding of the membership and the industry which they will serve.
Electronic files, including the accounts package should be transferred a couple of days in advance. Websites, Companies House, HMRC and ICO details should be updated with new contact details.
Arrange for the phones and emails to be transferred one day before the contract commences. Avoid Fridays for this as you may not have any support over the weekend to fix any issues that may arise.
Finally, arrange for any archive, hard copy files and other materials to be delivered or collected.
If you are considering changing Secretariat then we would be delighted to speak to you and share our experience of what a successful handover looks like. Please email [email protected] or call 01379 788032.